Mold Testing and Mold Remediation

Serving the Chicago, Illinois Area


When water or even extreme moisture penetrates your building, the results are often devastating. If you're searching for a Chicago mold remediation specialist to provide mold inspection and mold removal services to improve your indoor air quality, you've come to the right place. Healthy Homes USA LLC is a name people trust for quality Chicago mold remediation services.


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(331) 231-2082


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Air Quality Testing

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expires 06/30/2024


The Healthy Homes USA LLC Mold Removal Process

The health hazards of breathing mold spores are becoming well known. If you have experienced frequent headaches, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms and you suspect that you've got mold growing in your Chicago home, call (331) 231-2082 right away! Healthy Homes USA LLC arrives at your property quickly and will test any areas that you are concerned about. You will receive a written assessment of any mold identified, including type and quantity. Should you choose to have Healthy Homes USA LLC provide mold abatement to your Chicago property, you'll first receive a comprehensive written estimate and an explanation of the process. The end result: a mold-free home, great indoor air quality, and peace of mind!


Chicago Mold Testing

Serving area businesses and homeowners for over 10 years, Healthy Homes USA LLC is the natural choice for mold testing in the Chicago area. If you suspect that you've got mold growing behind your walls or under your floorboards, call Healthy Homes USA LLC at (331) 231-2082. You'll quickly know the extent (if any) of the mold damage, and receive a comprehensive plan to remediate it.

Chicago Mold Remediation

If mold has been identified in your home or business, Healthy Homes USA LLC is equipped and prepared to remove it quickly and thoroughly. If you've had a water breach, whether from a burst pipe, appliance, or flood, the longer it stands, the greater the chance of microbial growth and the subsequent health problems that mold spores cause. We will remove the mold and restore your peace of mind.



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(331) 231-2082


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